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FaxErrorCode Enumeration

Faxing Error Codes for Use with HmpElements

Namespace:  VoiceElements.Client
Assembly:  VoiceElementsClient (in VoiceElementsClient.dll) Version:
public enum FaxErrorCode
  Member nameValueDescription
T30_ERR_CEDTONE1 The CED tone exceeded 5s
T30_ERR_T0_EXPIRED2 Timed out waiting for initial communication
T30_ERR_T1_EXPIRED3 Timed out waiting for the first message
T30_ERR_T3_EXPIRED4 Timed out waiting for procedural interrupt
T30_ERR_HDLC_CARRIER5 The HDLC carrier did not stop in a timely manner
T30_ERR_CANNOT_TRAIN6 Failed to train with any of the compatible modems
T30_ERR_OPER_INT_FAIL7 Operator intervention failed
T30_ERR_INCOMPATIBLE8 Far end is not compatible
T30_ERR_RX_INCAPABLE9 Far end is not able to receive
T30_ERR_TX_INCAPABLE10 Far end is not able to transmit
T30_ERR_NORESSUPPORT11 Far end cannot receive at the resolution of the image
T30_ERR_NOSIZESUPPORT12 Far end cannot receive at the size of image
T30_ERR_UNEXPECTED13 Unexpected message received
T30_ERR_TX_BADDCS14 Received bad response to DCS or training
T30_ERR_TX_BADPG15 Received a DCN from remote after sending a page
T30_ERR_TX_ECMPHD16 Invalid ECM response received from receiver
T30_ERR_TX_GOTDCN17 Received a DCN while waiting for a DIS
T30_ERR_TX_INVALRSP18 Invalid response after sending a page
T30_ERR_TX_NODIS19 Received other than DIS while waiting for DIS
T30_ERR_TX_PHBDEAD20 Received no response to DCS, training or TCF
T30_ERR_TX_PHDDEAD21 No response after sending a page
T30_ERR_TX_T5EXP22 Timed out waiting for receiver ready (ECM mode)
T30_ERR_RX_ECMPHD23 Invalid ECM response received from transmitter
T30_ERR_RX_GOTDCS24 DCS received while waiting for DTC
T30_ERR_RX_INVALCMD25 Unexpected command after page received
T30_ERR_RX_NOCARRIER26 Carrier lost during fax receive
T30_ERR_RX_NOEOL27 Timed out while waiting for EOL (end of line)
T30_ERR_RX_NOFAX28 Timed out while waiting for first line
T30_ERR_RX_T2EXPDCN29 Timer T2 expired while waiting for DCN
T30_ERR_RX_T2EXPD30 Timer T2 expired while waiting for phase D
T30_ERR_RX_T2EXPFAX31 Timer T2 expired while waiting for fax page
T30_ERR_RX_T2EXPMPS32 Timer T2 expired while waiting for next fax page
T30_ERR_RX_T2EXPRR33 Timer T2 expired while waiting for RR command
T30_ERR_RX_T2EXP34 Timer T2 expired while waiting for NSS, DCS or MCF
T30_ERR_RX_DCNWHY35 Unexpected DCN while waiting for DCS or DIS
T30_ERR_RX_DCNDATA36 Unexpected DCN while waiting for image data
T30_ERR_RX_DCNFAX37 Unexpected DCN while waiting for EOM, EOP or MPS
T30_ERR_RX_DCNPHD38 Unexpected DCN after EOM or MPS sequence
T30_ERR_RX_DCNRRD39 Unexpected DCN after RR/RNR sequence
T30_ERR_RX_DCNNORTN40 Unexpected DCN after requested retransmission
T30_ERR_FILEERROR41 TIFF/F file cannot be opened
T30_ERR_NOPAGE42 TIFF/F page not found
T30_ERR_BADTIFF43 TIFF/F format is not compatible
T30_ERR_BADPAGE44 TIFF/F page number tag missing
T30_ERR_BADTAG45 Incorrect values for TIFF/F tags
T30_ERR_BADTIFFHDR46 Bad TIFF/F header - incorrect values in fields
T30_ERR_NOMEM47 Cannot allocate memory for more pages
T30_ERR_RETRYDCN48 Disconnected after permitted retries
T30_ERR_CALLDROPPED49 The call dropped prematurely
T30_ERR_NOPOLL50 Poll not accepted
T30_ERR_IDENT_UNACCEPTABLE51 Far end's ident is not acceptable
T30_ERR_SUB_UNACCEPTABLE52 Far end's sub-address is not acceptable
T30_ERR_SEP_UNACCEPTABLE53 Far end's selective polling address is not acceptable
T30_ERR_PSA_UNACCEPTABLE54 Far end's polled sub-address is not acceptable
T30_ERR_SID_UNACCEPTABLE55 Far end's sender identification is not acceptable
T30_ERR_PWD_UNACCEPTABLE56 Far end's password is not acceptable
T30_ERR_TSA_UNACCEPTABLE57 Far end's transmitting subscriber internet address is not acceptable
T30_ERR_IRA_UNACCEPTABLE58 Far end's internet routing address is not acceptable
T30_ERR_CIA_UNACCEPTABLE59 Far end's calling subscriber internet address is not acceptable
T30_ERR_ISP_UNACCEPTABLE60 Far end's internet selective polling address is not acceptable
T30_ERR_CSA_UNACCEPTABLE61 Far end's called subscriber internet address is not acceptable
See Also