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RoutableResource Class

Represents any resource that can be routed to aother resource.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  VoiceElements.Client
Assembly:  VoiceElementsClient (in VoiceElementsClient.dll) Version:
public abstract class RoutableResource : ClientObject

The RoutableResource type exposes the following members.

Public propertyConference
Represents the Conference of which this resource is a member.
Public propertyConferenceAttributes
Represents the Conference Attributes of a Conference to which this resource is a member.
Public propertyDeviceName
The unique name of this resource / device on the server. This is useful for following, logging a call or thread.
Public propertyListeners
A list of Routable Resources which are currently listening to this resource.
Public propertyListentingTo
A Routable Resources to which this resource is currently listening.
Public methodRouteFull(TelephonyLinkInfo)
This overload is for Voice Elements Internal Use Only! To correctly route, use the Full Route Method.
Public methodCode exampleRouteFull(RoutableResource)
Completes a full route between two Routable Resources. Both channels then listen to each other.
Public methodRouteHalf(TelephonyLinkInfo)
This overload is for Voice Elements Internal Use Only! To correctly route, use the Half Route Method.
Public methodCode exampleRouteHalf(RoutableResource)
Completes a half route between two Routable Resources. The channel calling this method listens to the one in the parameter, the second cannot hear.
Public methodSetConferenceAGCLevels
Sets the levels for the AGC in conferencing. If all values are set to negatives, then the system wide AGC applies.
Public methodSetConferenceECTailDelay
Sets the Echo Tail Delay in conferencing.
Public methodSetConferenceFEGLevel
Sets the front end gain in conferencing. If set to 0, front end gain is turned off.
Public methodStopAllListeners
Forces all Routable Resources currently listening to this resource to stop.
Public methodStopListener
Forces a apecific Routable Resource currently listening to this resource to stop.
Public methodStopListening
Forces this resource to stop listening to all Routable Resources.
See Also