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ChannelResourceSetMonitorStatus Method

Sets the Monitor Status element for this channel when viewed through the Voice Elements Dashboard.

Namespace:  VoiceElements.Client
Assembly:  VoiceElementsClient (in VoiceElementsClient.dll) Version:
public void SetMonitorStatus(
	string status


Type: SystemString
This is an arbitrary string message that will appear if a user is watching the application through the Voice Elements Dashboard. Usually you would set this message to "busy", "dialing", "on call", or something meaningful for the dashboard user.
This is an arbitrary message that will appear if a user is watching the application through the Voice Elements Dashbaord. Usually you would set this message to "busy", "dialing", "on call", or something meaningful for the dashbaord user. For more information on using the dashboard, see Using the Voice Elements Dashboard. Note that you can also set the data element(s) for the channel in the dashboard using the Set Monitor Data Method.
The example below shows a setting the status and data elements for the channel for the dashboard.
public void SetupChannelForDashBoard()
  // To get a channel, you must first get a link to a Telephony Server.  You may need to pass a username password here.
  TelephonyServer m_TelephonyServer = new TelephonyServer();

  // Get your channel resource from the server
  ChannelResource m_ChannelResource = m_TelephonyServer.GetChannel();

  // Set the status to "available" for dashboard Users

  // Set a data element of AgentID to 1 and set flag to clear exiting key if exists
  m_ChannelResource.SetMonitorData("AgentID", "1", true);

  // Set a data element of AgentName to "Bugs Bunny" and set flag to clear exiting key if exists
  m_ChannelResource.SetMonitorData("AgentName", "Bugs Bunny", true);
See Also